The Friends of the Guild Chapel
of Stratford-upon-Avon
​​A weekly service of Holy Communion is held at 10am every Wednesday.
All are welcome to attend.
Choral Evensong on Saturdays at 5pm
These take place approximately once a month with a choir drawn from local leading singers under the direction of guest conductors from nearby collegiate churches and cathedrals.
Saturday 18th January
Introit: Omnes de Saba - Jacob Handl
Responses: Radcliffe
Setting: Howells - Collegium Regale
Anthem: Videntes Stellam – Poulenc
Officiant – The Rev’d Emma Harrington
Choir Director – Luke Fitzgerald
(Acting Director of Music - Coventry Cathedral)
Organist - Colin Millington
(Director of Music Designate – Holy Trinity Stratford-upon-Avon)
Saturday 1st February
Introit: View Me, Lord - Lloyd
Responses: Sumsion
Setting: Sumsion in A
Anthem: They that go down to the sea in ships - Sumsion
Officiant – The Ven. Dr. Brian Russell
Stratford ChamberChoir
Director – Stephen Dodsworth
Organ Recitals on Saturdays at 5pm:
Admission £10 payable on the door
In May 2025 the Guild Chapel plays host to a number of events in the Shakespeare in Music Festival
Details can be found on the Festival's website.